Union League Club
38 East 37th Street
New York, NY 10016
AIRA's Annual Advanced Restructuring and Plan of Reorganization Conference in New York ("NY POR") is a forum presenting legal and financial perspectives on developments in bankruptcy, insolvency and restructuring. This year's conference will provide a comprehensive "Year in Review" from the perspectives of bankruptcy judges and attorneys.
Please click here to view a complete list of topics and panel descriptions
The conference will conclude with a reception honoring the recipient of AIRA's 2012 Judicial Service Award:
The Honorable Mary Walrath, Judge, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, District of Delaware.
Arent Fox LLP
Duane Morris, LLP
Kaye Scholer, LLP
Mesirow Financial Consulting, LLC
Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP
Co-Chairs: Walter Greenhalgh, Duane Morris, LLP and Brian Ryniker, CIRA, CBIZ MHM, LLC
Committee: Megan Campbell, CohnReznick; Joe Cashel, CIRA, BDO Consulting, LLP
Kevin Clancy, CIRA, CohnReznick; Stephen Darr, CIRA, CDBV, Mesirow Financial Consulting, LLC
Mark Feldman, CIRA, CDBV; Patricia Gambale, CBIZ MHM; Robert Hirsh, Arent Fox LLP
Benjamin Mintz, Kaye Scholer LLP; Scott Rinaldi, FTI Consulting, Inc.
Tony Sasso, CIRA, Deloitte.; Mike Sullivan, CIRA, Deloitte.
Joel Waite, Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP
Application for New York CLE credit approved; CLE for other states will be applied for upon request.
8.0 Hours of CPE or 7.0 CLE Available
Format—Instructional delivery method is Group Live
Program level—Intermediate
Advance preparation—None
Additional Information—Registration and payment of fee must be completed in advance at www.aira.org, or at the registration desk. Registrants will receive a confirmation email and a binder of presentersŐ materials for reference during and after the conference.
No refunds will be given for cancellations after November 12, 2012 (with the exception of the following provision for Superstorm Sandy); however, substitutions will be allowed. Anyone who registered before October 30, 2012 that is unable to attend the conference as a result of Superstorm Sandy will be given the option of a credit or refund; please contact AIRA's office as early as possible before November 19, 2012.
For assistance or questions regarding refund, complaint and/or program cancellation policies, please contact our offices at 541.858.1665. For additional questions or for resolution of any complaint send email to Grant Newton, Executive Director, gnewton@aira.org