November 15-17, 2011
Atlanta GA
PRESENTED BY: Prof. Jack F. Williams, JD, CIRA, CDBV, AIRA Scholar in Residence
DESCRIPTION: Understand the role of an expert, the expert’s ethical duties to the client and the court as an institution, and the importance of relevance and reliability in the expert’s testimony. Phase I of the program will focus on personalized, advanced training including drafting of mock expert reports. Phase II will focus on critiquing of mock depositions and trial testimony.
MODE: Live group instruction with hands on, detailed, personal,
advanced training, no nonsense approach; enrollment limited to 25.
MATERIALS: Handbook, PowerPoint presentation, and binder. Two weeks before the course or earlier, participant should submit an expert report, in the drafting of which he/she was substantially involved, for a personal critique.
WORKING ENGAGEMENT EXERCISE: Expert testimony on the question of the appropriate interest rate in a hypothetical chapter 11 cram down situation (no need for any actual experience on the topic). Procedural stage: at confirmation hearing.
CPE CREDIT: 24—field of study, accounting.
Mesirow Financial Consulting
1050 Crown Pointe Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30338
Tuesday, November 15—12:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Library Conference Room (Lobby Level)
Topics 1 – 7 (guest presentations from expert witnesses and others; dinner)
Wednesday, November 16—9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Suite 1650 (16th Floor)
Topics 8 – 14 (actual drafting of expert report – first draft; guest dinner presentation from bankruptcy judge)
Thursday, November 17—8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Library Conf Rm (Lobby Level)
Discussion of first draft, preparation of second draft of report, personal critique of prior submitted report